Firewood bags stock produce - Firewood factory development
Loan ID 352
Target: 185,000
Loan type: Business
Interest rate: 11% p.a.
Term: 11 months
Location: Latvia
Interest payments: Paid every month
Collateral type: firewood bags stock
LTV: 62%
Low risk project
Machinery cost: 185,000€
Security: Firewood stock
Country: Latvia
Loan ID: 352
Loan originator: Zs Kazeri
Collateral type: Heavy machinery
Loan type: Business
Interest rate p.a.: 11%
Term: 11 months
NEEDED AMOUNT From investors: 185,000€
Project cost: € 185.000
Loan purpose: To make a stock of firewood bags 100.000 pieces for next spring session
Collateral: Stock of firewood bags 100. 000 pieces of worth 300.000 euros equivalent of 2500 m3 timber.
Pledged collateral amount: 300,000€
Schedule: Interest payments will be paid every month, principal payments will be paid in the end of the loan.
Dear investors we offer to invest in business what is sustainable in Latvia and makes profit. Company which needs investment are offering their services with heavy machinery in Latvia forests, they are carrying out timber like all kinds of pulpwood, lumber and branches for woodchip and they are cutting forest with heavy machinery too. Too expand their business bigger they have need for making a firewood bags stock of 100.000 pieces what is equivalent of 2500 m3 timber 3 meter long. Needed amount of loan is 185,000 euros, interest rate per annum is 11% and loan will be repaid in 11 months. Interest payments will be paid every month and principal payments will be paid in the end of the loan.
This loan is backed by firewood stock 100.000 bags what is equivalent to 2500 m3 timber logs 3 meters long. The current market value of the pledged firewood stock is estimated to be 300,000€. The borrower will repay the loan from incoming business revenue.
The borrower will repay the loan from incoming business revenue and subsidy from Latvia rural department. Borrower company name is Zs Kazeri, registration number is 49501000919, address is Cesis district, LV-4116, Latvia , company is registered in 1991 year with already full 32 years of experience in forestry, renewable energy and agriculture production and services.
Projects working phases.
1. Loan originator Zs Kazeri delivers 3 meter firewood with lorry’s from forest stockpiles to firewood produce factory.
2. Zs Kazeri workers with these 3 meter long timber logs doing sawing and choping works with heavy machinery and they make from 3 meter timber logs to 30 cm long firewood and this firewood is getting chopped in the same time with machinery.
3. After then the 30 cm long firewood is left for drying until spring.
4. In the middle of April starts the packaging works. Workers are packing the firewood in 40 liter bags (see in the pictures).
5. In middle of May bags are going in retail sell.
In this project firewood bags are being sold until october 2024. Year and the principle is being paid back to investors.
Of course firewood bags are being sold in winter months too, and this is the first project for firewood bags produce . Their will be a second project for firewood produce in next 2024. Year in May month too where the firewood bags will be sold in winter. Firewood factory is operating all time without stop.
Financials of project
Business project financial background.
Costs to produce 100.000 (one hundred thousand) firewood bags.
1) 1 empty bag container costs 10 cents VAT 21 % excluded, loan originator is VAT payer, so the VAT will be paid back to loan originator by Latvia’s tax department.
100.000 bags x 0.1= 10k euros.
2) 3 meter firewood from what will produce 30 cm long firewood for bags, 1 cubic meter cost with delivery right now 40 euros per 1 m3, for 100k firewood bags will be needed 2500 m3 timber, because from 1 m3 timber can make 40 bags- 40 liter.
2500 m3 x 40 =100k
3) Firewood processing- sawing and chopping with heavy machinery. Loan originator use only his heavy machinery and his own workers what will be paid wages, will be bought gasoline, oil, chains, ect.
1 m3 processing will cost about 12 euros per 1 m3.
2500 m3 x 12 euros = 30k euros.
4) Firewood packing in bags, loan originators workers are doing this and one packing operator can put in one day about 600 bags for 9-10 hours work. Loan originator pays 0.20 euros per 1 bag packing, it means worker can earn up to 120 euros gross taxes excluded. Its very hard work.
Total expenses will be about 20 k on packing, taxes excluded.
5) Firewood bags delivery. Its expenses what is split between client who orders bags. But loan originator have expenses in diesel, truck maintain ect. Roughly it means that 100 K bags delivering will cost about 22- 28 K euros. This cost is very variable because it depends from driven kilometers, time what is spent in way and different circumstances.
Income on firewood bags
Loan originator operating in this business many years, because first steps in timber business start 31 year ago, so the price for 1 bag will be at least 3 euros for 40 liter bag. This is the smallest estimate what loan originator bring to table, in 2022 year loan originator sold 1 bag for 4 -4.5 euro for 1 piece. Loan originator will produce 100.000 firewood bags for this project what will be funded by investors. These bags will be sold in Latvia. If we compare then in Sweden and Germany these bags sometimes cost about 6- 10 euros. But for export there would be need bigger volumes.
1) 100.000 bags x 3 euros per 1 bag= 300 K euros.
2) 300.000 – 185.000= 115.000 – investors interest ( 18.655 euros)=96,345 euros profit before company tax.
Loan originator ”Zs Kazeri” is a company what is founded in 1991. year, registration number is 49501000919, this company have a 32 year experience in forestry sector, renewable energy and agriculture, in company works about 50 employees.
Zs Kazeri is a family company what were owned by Viesturs Pogulis who is Livonia platform CEO and founder dad, but he gave this company as legacy in 2015. year to Didzis Pogulis who is Livonia platform CEO and founder.
Zs Kazeri offers services in forestry, energy, production of wood products and buying and selling of forest products for a commission, such as buying, selling, producing and removing timber logs from the forest, felling forests and transporting pulpwood and other timber with timber (trucks) timber to the Latvian sea ports in the cities of Riga, Skulte, Mērsrag, Liepāja, buying forestry products from natural and legal persons and then reselling them to Sweden and Finland.
Company also operates in the agricultural sector and grows many crops, buys land and forests to expand land portfolio in Latvia. Currently, the average interest rate for investors is 12.5% and can reach up to 16% per year when issuing loans with a term of 6 months to 36 months.
All loans issued by loan originator will be secured by collateral, such as a mortgage on land or a pledge on heavy equipment and a variety of available collateral. Keep in mind that this company boasts a perfect track record as it has never had any outstanding or delinquent loans.
In 2022. year Zs Kazeri had 4.2 million euros profit before tax.