Loan ID 349forest

Abandoned land purchase, development, lumber and woodchip produce.

Loan ID 347

Target: 75,000

Loan type: Business

Interest rate: 11% p.a.

Term: 10 months

Location: Latvia

Interest payments: Paid every month

Collateral type: Land and lumber stock

LTW: 51%

Skin in the game: 10%

Project cost: 82.500€

Security: Pledge on land, lumber and woodchip stock and group guarantee

Country: Latvia
Loan ID: 347
Loan originator: Zs Kazeri
Collateral type: Land and lumber stock
Loan type: Business
Interest rate p.a.: 11 %
Term: 10 months
NEEDED AMOUNT From investors: 75,000€
Project cost: € 82,500
Borrowers skin in the game(down-payment): 10% -7,500€
Loan purpose: To buy a abandoned land in Latvia and develop this land, cut all needless tress and bushes for woodchip and lumber produce
Collateral: Land 15 hectars, lumber and woodchip stock what is growing on that land
Pledged collateral amount: 162,000€
Schedule: Interest payments will be paid every month, principal payment will be made on the end of the loan.
Dear investors we offer to invest in business what is sustainable in Latvia and makes profit. Company which needs investment are offering their services with heavy machinery in Latvia forests, they are carrying out timber like all kinds of pulpwood, lumber and branches for woodchip and they are cutting forest with heavy machinery too. Too expand their business bigger they have need for land what is abandoned and there is business opportunity to make a big stock of lumber and woodchip, after that make on that land development with stumps mill get out from all stumps and after that sell this land for 30% bigger price than it will be bought for. Land will be bought by Latvian state land fund-
Needed amount of loan is 75,000 euros, interest rate per annum is 11% and loan will be repaid in 10 months. Interest payments will be paid every month and principal payments will be paid in the end of the loan term.  Right now is a good prices for firewood, pulpwood and woodchip. Prices for production can be seen in
This loan is backed by 1 pledge of land and lumber produce that will be bought for this loan. Loan originator is paying down payment of 10 % for this land.  The current market value of the pledged land is estimated to be 162.000€. The borrower will repay the loan from incoming business revenue.
The borrower will repay the loan from incoming business revenue and subsidy from Latvia rural department. Borrower company name is Zs Kazeri, registration number is 49501000919, address is Cesis district, LV-4116, Latvia , company is registered in 1992 year with already full 30 years of experience in forestry, renewable energy and agriculture production and services.
Loan originator ”Zs Kazeri” is a company what is founded in 1991. year, registration number is 49501000919, this company have a 32 year experience in forestry sector, renewable energy and agriculture, in company works about 50 employees. Zs Kazeri is a family company what were owned by Viesturs Pogulis who is Livonia platform CEO and founder dad, but he gave this company as legacy in 2015. year to Didzis Pogulis who is Livonia platform CEO and founder. Company is offering services in forestry,  energy, producing wood products, and buying and selling forest products for commissions like woodchip buying, selling, producing, and carrying out timber logs from forests, cutting down forests, and with lumber trucks(lorry;s)  transport pulpwood and other timber to Latvian sea ports in Riga, Skulte, Mersrags, Liepaja cities, buying from individuals and legal entity’s forestry products and then selling them further to Sweden and Finland. Considering war in Ukraine Russia and Belarus is not exporting wood produce and all kind of energy so much, that why now the prices is up for renewable fuel , wood production and that way is time to expand for good. This company is in Agriculture sector too, and they are growing many kind of crops, and buying lands and forests to expand in Latvia. By this time the average interest rate is 12.5% for investors and can reach up to 14.5% annually issuing loans on term from 6 months to 36 months. All loans issued will come with security for investors like mortgage on land, or heavy machinery pledge, also this company issued loans offer group guarantee what means that another group company will pay the loan to not force the pledges if it will be needed. Note, this company boasts a flawless record, having never encountered any defaulted loans or loans that have fallen into overdue status.
Zs Kazeri has a plan to become the largest forest producer in Latvia by 2030 and to export pellets, round timber, and briquettes, increasing the turnover to 700 million euros. To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the capacity, purchase machinery for forest development and build 3 pellet factories. Among the Baltic States, Latvia is the most covered with forests, which accounts for 50% of the entire country’s territory, so these goals are achievable and this will also increase Europe’s independence in terms of energy resources. Zs Kazeri has plans to increase the managed forest and agricultural area every year in order to achieve a stable export flow of forest products, and it would not be necessary to rely so much on private forest owners, who are the cornerstone at present, in order to grow the turnover of forest products.
Because of war in Ukraine the prices for energy is raised up and will continue to be steadily up that why energy business will be sustainable for long time now.
The European Union (EU) has set a goal for renewable energy through the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). This directive outlines a comprehensive policy to encourage the production and use of energy from renewable sources within EU member countries. The EU aims to generate at least 20% of its total energy from renewables by 2020, with individual countries having specific targets to contribute to this overall goal. Additionally, all EU nations must ensure that at least 10% of their transport fuels are derived from renewable sources by the same deadline.
In December 2018, a revised version of this directive, known as 2018/2001/EU, came into effect as part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package. This update is designed to maintain the EU’s leadership in renewable energy and, more broadly, support the EU in meeting its emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement. You can find more details about this on the official EU website:
Latvian forests are mostly made up of conifers, however, other species also occupy a significant part. Conifer stands are 53% of all forest stands, birch stands – 30%, white alder – 7% and aspen – 7%.
The forest of 2023 in Latvia occupies an area of ​​3.1 million hectares (ha), or 52% of the land area, the report of the State Forestry Service for the year 2018. In just ten years, the forest area in the country has increased.
The territory of Latvia is 6.46 million hectares (ha), of which 3.35 million ha are forest lands (forest occupies 3.04 million ha). In comparison with other European countries, because in Europe the forest occupies an average of 33% of the land area, while in Latvia the forest land occupies 52%.
1.49 million ha (49%) of forest are under state management, forests of other managers make up 1.55 million ha (51%).
The service states that the annual report for the year 1923, when forest cover in Latvia was 23% of the total territory, by 2018 it has more than doubled. A small, gradual increase in forest areas can also be seen over the past ten years.
In 2008, there were 2.96 million hectares of forests in Latvia, or 50.2% of the entire country’s territory, but last year they were 52%.